Vereniging Trainingen Media VNVA events

Conferentie, 31 juli 2019

In oktober zal er een internationale conferentie plaatsvinden in Den Haag, georganiseerd door het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Handel en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Het thema van de conferentie is ‘Mental Health and Psychosocial Support’ (MHPSS). Over de activiteiten op het vlak van de Openbare Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg (OGGZ) in Burundi is voor geïnteresseerden een uitgebreid artikel te vinden op Hope for public mental health and psychosocial support in Burundi.

De samenvatting luidt als volgt:

Making mental health care in post-conflict Burundi accessible for all Burundians needs building decentralized mental health facilities by educating local professionals in sustainable structures, implemented in general health care and society. After discussing former NGO publications on reforming mental health in Burundi, the question was arisen whether or not community building had to be an integrated part of mental health care development. An mhGAP-HIG training strategy was developed that included training of medical professionals and community workers. The findings during trainings in 2019 in the provinces Cankuzo, Ruyigi and Cibitoke were used for reflection on choises made and to describe needs on strengthening public mental health in Burundi in the future.

Reinstalling social fabric is a sociopolitical responsibility in the country, but psychosocial emotional support has to be part of public mental health and can assist in breaking the vicious circle of poverty by enabling people to work if economic conditions improve. It is essential that the development of public mental health in Burundi is seen from the perspective of local professionals, using national and cultural rules and habits. Long-term financial help is much needed for mental health trainings in the sector as a whole, while government guarantees salaries of staff. Short-term financial help for sector related projects will be useful if such projects fit in the national strategy. The country as a whole needs economic empowerment, in order to resolve poverty as a source of difficult socio-economic situations like hunger and unemployment, which cause psychosocial problems for many Burundians.- Amy Besamusca – Ekelschot

- Amy Besamusca – Ekelschot

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