There are four types of membership within the Association:
- Affiliated National Associations (like VNVA)
- Individual Members
- Honorary Members
- Members of Honour
All Medical Women qualified according to the accepted standard of the medical profession in their own country are eligible for membership. It is also a requisite that all qualified Medical Women of the country (National Association) must be eligible for membership irrespective of race, religion or political opinion. The affiliated National Associations comprise over 90% of our members. Individual Members are Medical Women from a country having no Association, who apply directly to the Association for membership. Individual members are encouraged to form a national. Members of Honour and Honorary Membership is awarded any woman, who has rendered to the medical profession such signal service as to merit recognition.
The Association is composed of 8 geographical regions. Each region is represented on the Executive Committee by its Vice-President.
- Northern Europe
- Central Europe
- Southern Europe
- North America
- Latin America
- Near East and Africa
- Central Asia
- Western Pacific